Psychologists & Counselors of the Gifted
SENG Caters to Mental Health Professionals

SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) also serves your needs. As they say, "Most counseling and psychology programs only touch on gifted issues, and professionals are often not trained to recognize the characteristics of gifted individuals. Specialized knowledge about how characteristics of giftedness may appear similar to behaviors that result from clinical conditions such as ADHD and OCD can increase the effectiveness of counseling with this population. Not only do SENG conferences provide a wealth of information in the regular conference program, we also offer concurrent Continuing Education Courses for mental health professionals."
SENG's annual conference is in a different location each year.
SENG's annual conference is in a different location each year.
Webinars for APA Credit
SENG is offering a three-part series of "SENGinars" featuring contributing authors from the popular book Living with Intensity: Understanding the Sensitivity, Excitability, and Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Adults. APA credit is available. Visit the SENG Web site to register or learn more.